February Festival Cancelled

A monthly film gathering where local filmmakers and audiences are all valued as members of our creative community.
Please join us February 9, 7:30 pm at the Backdoor Theater for a documentary double-feature and art installation. For tickets visit https://www.fusetheatreensemble.com/event-details/no-worries-film-festival-2025-02-09-19-30
“Boots on the Ground for Art” directed by Kevin Hanzlik.
This film reflects the joy and honor of teaching Veterans representing all branches of the Military; and one sees that their talent is enormous.
Boots refer to the military but are not a direct reference. ‘Boots on the Ground for Art’ honors both Veterans’ military service and their belief in the power of Art. The paintings were personal military reference or not. The theme is also a metaphor for beginning any new endeavor in life
Military Veterans at The Oregon School of Arts under instructor Randall Vemer created several paintings on the theme ‘BOOTS ON THE GROUND FOR ART’. These paintings will be on display to view before and after the screenings.
And: “Blurred Lines” directed by David Crawford.
Blurred Lines examines the sport of Pacific Northwest motorcycle club road racing, the safety precautions that the industry has taken along with the tragic injuries and deaths that follow. Filmed at Seattle’s Pacific Raceway and Oregon’s Portland International Raceway, the documentary features interviews with over 30 motorcycle riders, vendors and raceway coordinators, each with their own assessment of risk when they put on the helmet. The film explores the issue of whether their individual competitive attitudes has, at times, has crossed the line beyond their control, putting their lives and their fellow riders unnecessarily at risk for the sport they love. Blurred Lines was created by David Crawford and Troy Kirby as a fundraiser for air fence, a product that protects riders and saves lives, by creating softer barriers when motorcyclists crash during road races.
Content warnings for this event include footage of motorcycle crashes and mentions of death.
In honor of Black History Month we are sending a special call for films of all lengths and genres by Black filmmakers. FilmFreeway submission fee waivers are available – email press@chiralfilmworks.com for more info.
Thanks to our amazing filmmakers and audience, our first No Worries Northwest was a smashing success! We had a fantastic time and are so excited for October 13th when we get to do it again.
It might be 85 degrees in Portland today, but we’re looking forward to our October scary movie night edition of NWFF! This means we need your spooky (or spoopy, or corny, or otherwise halloween-y) film to put on the big screen. Can’t wait to see what y’all submit.
We are happy to announce that tickets for our inaugural No Worries Northwest gathering are now available at https://www.fusetheatreensemble.com/event-details/no-worries-film-festival . Tickets are sold on a sliding scale from $0-$25. You get to decide where in that price range is sustainable for you. Can’t wait to see you there!
Big news today! FilmFreeway has just listed our festival on their website, making submitting to NWFF easier than ever. Check us out here and we hope to see what you’ve made real soon! https://filmfreeway.com/NoWorriesNorthwestFilmFest
In “The Paint,” two picky friends on a mission to find the perfect rental car for a wedding face a series of hilarious mishaps and absurd challenges. Their quest for legroom and style turns into a comedy of errors.
See their trailer here: https://drive.google.com/…/1QnZhCetNmSI9KA7s0TEPBz…/view
In “I Got 2020 Vision,” after one really bad day, Tim orders some X-Ray Specs that slowly take over his mind.
And in “Rushing Into Things,” four young singles undergo trial and error in their search for a healthy relationship.
In addition to screening these films we will also be featuring some local standup comedy, goofy games, participation awards, and of course a red carpet photoshoot with our filmmakers! See you all September 8th!
As we ramp up getting ready for our first ever No Worries Northwest event, we are seeking films that celebrate Hispanic heritage and by filmmakers who identify as Hispanic in honor of September being Hispanic Heritage month! If you or somebody you know has a film that would be a good fit, please submit your film using this link: https://forms.gle/tCAVr5WwbUyd5Zhy6
Of course, we’re accepting submissions from everybody else, too, and we’ve still got plenty of spots left. Can’t wait to see you all soon, so mark your calendars for September 8 at 2:00 pm and we’ll see you at Fuse Theater!
Thank you for visiting our website. We are a brand-new festival and so excited to bring our local community together to celebrate the unique and amazing film community of the Pacific Northwest. Please stay tuned for more information as we will soon be posting film lineups, breaking news, and more. Or, if you prefer social media updates, you can follow us on Facebook or Instagram @NoWorriesFF. See you soon!